10 Top Tips for dealing with pests

Summer is coming slowly but surely, and pest species are gradually on the rise.

As part of your regular spring home maintenance, take the time to put a few simple preventative measures in place to reduce the risk of a pest infestation in your property.

If these fail, get in touch with a professional pest control Preston company as soon as possible.

rodent pest control

Install or repair fly screens

In the blistering heat of summer, you will have your windows open constantly but there is nothing worse than flies and wasps taking the opportunity to access your home and annoy you with their constant buzzing.

Window screens are a simple and easy way to prevent this happening so make sure you have these in place and that any tears or holes are repaired before the season begins.

Grow herbs

It may sound strange, but certain herbs such as peppermint, basil, and lavender are repulsive to many insect pest species.

Placing these on your window sill or planting them in your garden will not only add a lovely touch of colour to your home  but will also reduce the risk of a pest problem forming.

Use suitable bird feeders

Feeding small birds in your garden is a pleasure that many of us enjoy but open feeders with large feeding holes are susceptible to being used by much larger non-target pest species including squirrels, rats, and feral pigeons.

Make sure to purchase secure feeders that can only be accessed by the small birds you want to frequently your garden.

Maintain your window frames

Small gaps and cracks in the caulking or felt around your doors and window frames can be used by insects to gain access to your property, after which they will spread far and wide.

You would even be surprised how small a gap a mouse or rat can squeeze through if they are determined enough so install bristles under any exterior door that has a gap beneath.

Fill gaps with steel wool

Rodents can chew their way through almost any material and foam sealant alone might not be enough to fill gaps in your exterior walls. Instead, fill gaps with a generous amount of steel wool or copper mesh and fill the remaining area with sealant, ensuring maximum protection against pest species.

Spread coffee grounds outside

Rather than throwing away your used coffee grounds, try spreading them about in your garden and just outside the home. This will deter many insects who despise the smell of coffee and they will stay well away from the perimeter of your home.

Seal food packaging

Make sure that all your food, and that of your pets, is stored in a sealed container when not in use. Pests are already imaginative enough when it comes to finding food without you handing it to them on a plate.

Plastic containers with a secure lid are the best choice for this purpose as rodents and insects can often chew their way through cardboard packaging.

Keep your suitcase outside your bedroom

One of the stranger tips of this list but one that will potentially save you a whole lot of trouble.

Hotels and hostels are often the home to bed bugs due to a high turnover of guests from all different locations. When you go to a hotel on holiday, these bugs may find their way into your suitcase via clothing hitch-hike home with you and spread into your bedroom when you go to unpack.

Instead, wash all your clothes on as high a heat as possible once returning from holiday and store your suitcase well away from your bedroom, preferably in a garage or attic.

Install a chimney guard

A chimney guard is designed to keep out rodents such and birds and squirrels without impacting upon the utility of the chimney itself.

This is critical as a nest within the chimney is a serious safety risk, significantly increasing the risk of a property fire, and blocking off the escape of dangerous fumes.

Birds inside your chimney can also increase the risk of a variety of insects who will be attracted by their presence.

Keep trees and plants away from your home

Trees overhanging your property will allow rodents, particularly grey squirrels to access the roof of your property, from where they will be able to find their way into your attic or roof cavity and cause all sorts of chaos.

You should also trim bushes and garden plants that are growing too close to your property to prevent ants and other burrowing insects from nesting in the siding.

Install netting

Installing bird netting in your garden is the only sure-fire way to ensure that birds are unable to destroy your plants,

Wire, bell shaped guards are one popular option, or finer mesh, more similar to that of a window guard, can be used to keep bugs away as well.
