Pros and cons of CCTV towers

CCTV is a major part of the modern security industry and is used by home and business owners alike to guard against criminal activity and let them keep an eye on their property when they aren’t around.

CCTV towers are mobile units standing well over 5m tall that are topped with 360 degree CCTV cameras and can be installed or taken down in rapid fashion by professional security experts. A mobile CCTV tower is a great option on more remote and rural sites such as car parks or construction sites, where traditional CCTV installation might not be viable or cost-effective.

That said, like all things there are pros and cons to consider when thinking about installing a mobile CCTV tower, and as many people haven’t even heard of this technology, we though it would be a good idea to run through some of them in this article, giving you a better idea of what to expect when you get in touch with the expert team here at Trust Hire.

CCTV camera

Advantages of CCTV Towers

Multiple Uses

CCTV towers are used to track and identify criminals, but they can also be used to track activity on your site and keep an eye over day-to-day operations when you can’t be there in person.

Large Scale monitoring

CCTV towers can monitor a huge area of land simultaneously, giving them a massive advantage over human security guards who, no matter how highly trained and eagle eyed they may be, can only look in one direct at one time.

If you do have security on site, CCTV towers don’t have to replace them, they can make their task a whole lot easier by allowing them to monitor the site from one central location and attending to situations as and when they are detected.

Insurance Claims

If there is an incident on your site, CCTV provides crystal clear evidence of the events in question. This makes it a whole lot easier to file insurance claims and will prevent you claim being denied due to a lack of concrete evidence.

Downsides of CCTV towers


There is an ongoing cost associated with hiring a CCTV tower, but it is significantly lower than the price of installing fixed CCTV or hiring enough security guards to cover the same area. In almost all cases, CCTV towers save our clients money whilst they are in place.

Lack of privacy

There are strict regulations over the use of CCTV, especially when filming public places, so CCTV regulations are something you will need to bear in mind when you install a CCTV tower.

Annoy staff

Installing CCTV on a commercial site can go one of two ways. One it motivates staff to do better as they know they might be being observed, or two, it makes them anxious, and they are unable to perform to the best of their abilities. Only you will know what the mindset of your workforce is and if this is likely to be an issue.
